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Monday, May 28, 2012

Yet Another Day That's All About Her

Leo Tolstoy once quoted. “When I have one foot in the grave, I will tell the whole truth about women. I shall tell it, jump into my coffin, pull the lid over me and say, 'Do what you like now”

Truth is, men know exactly how they feel and think about women. The difference is, we know when to keep our mouths shut. Probably that’s why good ol’ Leo decided that his last hurrah would be a long list of advice for the betterment of his remaining brotherhood, with a really good exit plan for the whistleblowing.

So it’s International Women’s Day on March 8th. A day when all of men-hood will stop and shout to the heavens, passive aggressively of course, “Wait! Do I have to get her a gift for this one too?” One may wonder whether it’ll ever be enough. From Birthdays, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Anniversaries, Engagement parties, Baby Showers – there is always another occasion and reason to stop, look, listen and appreciate your woman for what she is, who she is, and all the sacrifices that she has done for you.

But hold your horses, ladies. The history of International Women’s Day started back in the early 1900’s, when angry undergarment workers went on strike for poor working conditions and low wages. They were fighting for equality in fair treatment and wages just like other men were.

Women have come a long way from burning bras. Nowadays, they’re either secretly and gleefully buying RM500 frillies from Victoria’s Secret online, or finding any excuse not to wear one. It’s a different ballgame for both boys and girls out there now. We walk a fine line between male dominance and female equality in these troubled, confusing times.

Julianna Mendelsohn from Chicago wrote to Esquire online that “Sometimes we want to be treated like a princess, and sometimes we want to be treated like a sex object. It’s up to you to know when, ‘cause I sure won’t be the one to tell you.”

Just like those times when they won’t tell you what’s wrong (Nothing).

Just like those times when they don’t really want to know how they look like in those jeans (Or they don’t really want to know what you really think of how they look like in those jeans)

Or like those times that they won’t tell you what today is and what you should have remembered today is.

There are a lot of things that remains unspoken yet universally expected to be understood. It’s a tug of war between men and women that we just so lovingly and willingly participate in, and fall for time and again. For women it’s like finishing a checklist successfully and being pleased with herself. For men, it’s like frolicking in a picturesque field, filled with fire ants and rabid prairie dogs. Such is the magnetic pull of a woman.

She is woman, hear her roar. And on the 8th or March, they roar in unison. To be heard silently, just as she has when she keeps to her side of the bed and mumbles “Nothing” when you asked her what’s wrong.

So hats off to Tolstoy for sharing whatever he could have before he cowardly jumped in and nailed himself safely from a woman’s scorn. Smart man, that one.  And after this article, I may need to think of setting up a new email account and a new identity while I’m at it.

Happy Women’s Day ladies!

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